We here at Teens of Tomorrow strive to keep our program within the law of each city and state. Below is the laws for this area as it pertains to this door to door solicitation. The city has the legal right and obligation to know who is soliciting and these laws have been put into place to protect the citizens of the city.
Non-profit/charity programs- are not required to carry a permit on each person, but they are required to prove what charity/non-profit they are representing. On this page is proof of our non-profit status and our good standings with the city/state.
For-profit companies- such as roofing, windows, siding, pest control, Lawn services companies, and home security all require each person soliciting with the company, to carry a permit in that person’s name, city’s’ name, and it must match their government issued ID.
You as the supporter, have the right to ask for a permit from the solicitor at your door. If they can’t provide one, something is wrong. The only way to stop unlawful soliciting is for the citizens to notify the authorities or don’t purchase their product. Below are the common excuses illegal solicitors will give if they do not have a permit.
Red flags to watch out for with unlawful solicitors:
- States their boss has the permit (most common excuse)
- States they don’t need a permit (if this is the case, they need to prove they are a charity)
- States they are with a charity but cannot provide proof
- Pretend like they don’t know the law
- Pretends to misplace/cannot find permit
- Claims you are their last house before leaving to get permit
- Company will make COMPANY ID (this is not a permit)
- Shows you a digital picture of a permit (everyone needs their own paper copy)
- states they are not selling anything, only giving quotes
- some will be wearing a florescent green vest that look like a city worker
Below: Teens of Tomorrow registation with each city:
501c3 Document:-This letter is from the IRS and it is letting the public know that we are a nonprofit 501c3 and that any contribution made to Teens of Tomorrow is deductible. This letter never expires as long as we are a nonprofit.
CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING: This certificate is from the state of Nebraska. It states that our nonprofit is all up to date and in good standings with the state. This does expire one year after the issue date that is printed on the document.
LETTER FROM CITY OF OMAHA AND POLICE DEPARTMENT: This letter states that Teens of Tomorrow is recognized by the city as a nonprofit and this recognition will always be in our file. This letter never expires.
LETTER FROM CITY OF LINCOLN: This states a new law was passed and because we are a charity, we no longer have to apply for a permit to solicit door to door. This document never expires.
CITY OF COUNCIL BLUFFS- Under Construction
CITY OF GRETNA Both for profit and nonprofit look the same but a fee will be charged to for-profit companies.
CITY OF CARTER LAKE-Both for profit and non-profit look the same but a fee will be charged to for profit companies
CITY OF LA VISTA- Both for profit and non-profit look the same but a fee will be charged to for profit companies.
SARPY COUNTY– ORDINANCE NO. 2-2-01 states SECTION 4. Exceptions:
This ordinance shall not require the registration of individuals who are acting for non-commercial purposes. Examples of such non-commercial purposes include but are not limited to: school fundraising efforts, charitable organizations, or the delivery or distribution of newspapers or shopping news.
CITY OF PAPILLION- under construction